Geocoder adds object geocoding and database-agnostic distance calculations to Ruby on Rails. It's as simple as calling <tt>fetch_coordinates!</tt> on your objects, and then using a scope like <tt>Venue.near("Billings, MT")</tt>. Since it does not rely on proprietary database functions finding geocoded objects in a given area works with out-of-the-box MySQL or even SQLite.
Geocoder is compatible with Rails 2.x and 3.x. <b>This is the README for the 3.x branch.</b> Please see the 2.x branch for installation instructions, documentation, and issues.
gem "rails-geocoder", :require => "geocoder"
rails plugin install git://
A) Add +latitude+ and +longitude+ columns to your model:
rails generate migration AddLatitudeAndLongitudeToYourModel latitude:float longitude:float
B) Tell geocoder where your model stores its address:
C) Optionally, auto-fetch coordinates every time your model is saved:
after_validation :fetch_coordinates
<i>Note that you are not stuck with the +latitude+ and +longitude+ column names, or the +address+ method. See "More On Configuration" below for details.</i>
Assuming +obj+ is an instance of a geocoded class, you can get its coordinates:
Alex Reisner
obj.fetch_coordinates # fetches and assigns coordinates
obj.fetch_coordinates! # also saves lat, lon attributes
If you have a lot of objects you can use this Rake task to geocode them all:
rake geocode:all CLASS=YourModel
obj.nearbys(30) # other objects within 30 miles
obj.distance_to(40.714, -100.234) # distance to arbitrary point
To find objects by location, use the following scopes:
Venue.near('Omaha, NE, US', 20) # venues within 20 miles of Omaha
Venue.near([40.71, 100.23], 20) # venues within 20 miles of a point
Venue.geocoded # venues with coordinates
Venue.not_geocoded # venues without coordinates
Some utility methods are also available:
# distance (in miles) between Eiffel Tower and Empire State Building
Geocoder::Calculations.distance_between( 48.858205,2.294359, 40.748433,-73.985655 )
# look up coordinates of some location (like searching Google Maps)
Geocoder.fetch_coordinates("25 Main St, Cooperstown, NY")
Alex Reisner
# find the geographic center (aka center of gravity) of objects or points
Geocoder::Calculations.geographic_center([ city1, city2, city3, [40.22,-73.99], city4 ])
== More On Configuration
You are not stuck with using the +latitude+ and +longitude+ database column names for storing coordinates. For example, to use +lat+ and +lon+:
geocoded_by :address, :latitude => :lat, :longitude => :lon
The string to use for geocoding can be anything you'd use to search Google Maps. For example, any of the following are acceptable:
714 Green St, Big Town, MO
Eiffel Tower, Paris, FR
Paris, TX, US
If your model has +address+, +city+, +state+, and +country+ attributes you might do something like this:
geocoded_by :location
def location
[address, city, state, country].compact.join(', ')
Please see the code for more methods and detailed information about arguments (eg, working with kilometers).
== Reverse Geocoding
If you need reverse geocoding (lat/long coordinates to address), do something like the following in your model:
reverse_geocoded_by :latitude, :longitude
after_validation :fetch_address
and make sure it has +latitude+ and +longitude+ attributes, as well as an +address+ attribute. As with regular geocoding, you can specify alternate names for all of these attributes, for example:
reverse_geocoded_by :lat, :lon, :address => :location
== Forward and Reverse Geocoding in the Same Model
If you apply both forward and reverse geocoding functionality to the same model, you can provide different methods for storing the fetched address (reverse geocoding) and providing an address to use when fetching coordinates (forward geocoding), for example:
class Venue
# build an address from street, city, and state attributes
geocoded_by :address_from_components
# store the Google-provided address in the full_address attribute
reverse_geocoded_by :latitude, :longitude, :address => :full_address
However, there can be only one set of latitude/longitude attributes, and whichever you specify last will be used. For example:
class Venue
geocoded_by :address,
:latitude => :fetched_latitude, # this will be overridden by the below
:longitude => :fetched_longitude # same here
reverse_geocoded_by :latitude, :longitude
The reason for this is that we don't want ambiguity when doing distance calculations. We need a single, authoritative source for coordinates!
SQLite's lack of trigonometric functions requires an alternate implementation of the +near+ method (scope). When using SQLite, Geocoder will automatically use a less accurate algorithm for finding objects near a given point. Results of this algorithm should not be trusted too much as it will return objects that are outside the given radius.
It is also not possible to calculate distances between points without the trig functions so you cannot sort results by "nearness."
=== Discussion
There are few options for finding objects near a given point in SQLite without installing extensions:
1. Use a square instead of a circle for finding nearby points. For example, if you want to find points near 40.71, 100.23, search for objects with latitude between 39.71 and 41.71 and longitude between 99.23 and 101.23. One degree of latitude or longitude is at most 69 miles so divide your radius (in miles) by 69.0 to get the amount to add and subtract from your center coordinates to get the upper and lower bounds. The results will not be very accurate (you'll get points outside the desired radius--at worst 29% farther away), but you will get all the points within the required radius.
2. Load all objects into memory and compute distances between them using the <tt>Geocoder::Calculations.distance_between</tt> method. This will produce accurate results but will be very slow (and use a lot of memory) if you have a lot of objects in your database.
3. If you have a large number of objects (so you can't use approach #2) and you need accurate results (better than approach #1 will give), you can use a combination of the two. Get all the objects within a square around your center point, and then eliminate the ones that are too far away using <tt>Geocoder::Calculations.distance_between</tt>.
Because Geocoder needs to provide this functionality as a scope, we must go with option #1, but feel free to implement #2 or #3 if you need more accuracy.
== Known Issue
You cannot use the +near+ scope with another scope that provides an +includes+ option because the +SELECT+ clause generated by +near+ will overwrite it (or vice versa). Instead, try using +joins+ and pass a <tt>:select</tt> option to the +near+ scope to get the columns you want. For example, in Rails 2 syntax:
City.near("Omaha, NE", 20, :select => "venues.*").all(:joins => :venues)
If anyone has a more elegant solution to this problem I am very interested in seeing it.
* use completely separate "drivers" for different AR adapters?
* seems reasonable since we're using very DB-specific features
* also need to make sure 'mysql2' is supported
* make 'near' scope work with AR associations
* unobtrusively add ability to get a result with more data (Geocoder object?)
* the default usage should remain dead simple
Copyright (c) 2009-11 Alex Reisner, released under the MIT license