This repository contains the `Zig Common Tasks` website, which is built with [Magnanimous](
All Zig samples are in the [source/processed/samples/](source/processed/samples) directory.
The Zig files are just plain zig files, but include Magnanimous metadata so that they can be included in the main HTML file generated from [source/processed/](source/processed/
To run the samples' tests:
zig build test
To build the website:
Get Magnanimous by downloading a binary from its [Releases Page]( or with `go install` if you have Go installed.
## Contributing
Contributions are welcome!
* samples should not be too trivial, but also not complex.
* must only use Zig's standard library.
* should be cross-platform (runs at least on Mac, Windows and Linux).
* preferrably, use tests... `main` also ok if side effects are unavoidable (like printing something).
All samples are [unlicensed]( and belong to the public domain!
* make sure you're using the Zig version declared in [test.yml](.github/workflows/test.yml) (if it's old, feel free to update it!).
* add your sample file in `source/processed/samples/`. Start by copying one of the existing ones.
* ensure the metadata (`name`, `id`) is correct.
* run `zig fmt source/processed/samples/`.
* run `zig build test`.
* Make a merge request on OpenCode or GitHub.
## Project Home
This project's source code is currently hosted on:
* [GitHub](
* [OpenCode](
The website is published by the above hosts on:
* [](
* [](