2020 08 bdist deb rpm
Created by: alkorgun
I added DEB & RPM build instructions, but there are some problems:
- I had to rename python package, because 'cine-encoder' is not a correct package name, to run your program proper way (
python3 -m <package.module>
) you should use underscore. - Your target distro is Arch Linux, so dependencies versions are too fresh. The last version of ffmeg available in rpmfusion, oneSUSE and Ubuntu repos is 4.2. In order to support other distros you should target reasonably fresh but stable versions, for example, Ubuntu 18.04 with Python 3.6 and ffmgeg 3.4.
- Packages seem to be perfectly correct, but I couldn't properly test the utility itself, because of some problem with qt5 #2 (closed).