Pling-Store is a Content Management App for OCS-compatible websites like,, etc.
It allows to download, install and apply desktop themes, icon themes, wallpapers, or mouse cursors under various desktop environments using the "Install"-button.
Currently supported are these desktop environments:
KDE Plasma, Gnome, XFCE, Mate, Cinnamon, Budgie, LXQt, Elementary and Enlightenment.
Using the Appimage package format, it should work on any distro like Ubuntu, Debian, Arch, Suse, Redhat and many more.
# Best with AppImageLauncher
If you never used an Appimage before, we recommend this tool to make AppImages run, install/uninstall and update on your Linux OS:
*Please see if AppImageLauncher offers native packages for your distro, if not, you may request it in the issue section.*
After installing AppImageLauncher, you can simply Double-Click on the Pling-Store Appimage to run or install it.
# Manual Run
To try the Pling-Store without installing, you can simply make it exectuable and (double-)click on it.