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tuvansuckhoe / Phong kham Da khoa Quoc te Ha Noi
MIT LicensePhòng khám Đa khoa Quốc tế Hà Nội - Tư vấn trực tuyến và miễn phí về sức khỏe
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shabd / OneUI Settings Clone For All Phones
MIT LicenseUpdated -
Ballet Memory Game for the website of Ballet Studio Ost https://www.ballettstudio-ost.de/code/memory/ballett-memory.php
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libertymaster / LibertyRailsRuby
MIT LicenseUpdated -
kodiakweb / leaf-kde
GNU General Public License v3.0 onlyA forest green dark & light theme for the KDE Plasma desktop
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taylor-jaydee / gtk-todo-tutorial
MIT LicenseThe code of the Creating a simple GTK+ ToDo application with Ruby
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A hacking tool to assist with Fallout hacks. Courtesy of HaltTech. A Division of BobCo a subdivision of Inspyre Technologies. *This product/software is not an official release by Bethesda Softworks and all rights belong to them. HaltTech and BobCo are not intended to be real companies and any resemblance to any other company either real or imagined is purely coincidental.
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FXRuby is an extension module for Ruby that provides an interface to the FOX GUI toolkit.
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taylor-jaydee / eveIRC_Installer
MIT LicenseUpdated -
taylor-jaydee / EveIRC
GNU General Public License v2.0 or later---EVE: A Project for a Top-Tier IRC Bot--- Eve was originally designed on an entirely different framework and language and has grown through the years. Now Eve is on Ruby and the Cinch IRC Framework. If you need help you can join #Eve on irc.sinsira.net